Inside Job: The Life of a Prison Psychologist,
Dr Rebecca Myers (2022)

Expanding interventions to integrate men who have sexually offended back into the community: Circles of support and accountability in Europe.
Kieran McCartan, Mechtild Hoing, & Riana Taylor, (pages 227 – 242).
In Challenges in the Management of People Convicted of a Sexual Offence: A Way Forward.
Palgrave Macmillan (2022).

Circles of Support and Accountability: reducing shame, bringing hope and preventing further victims of sexual abuse’.
Riana Taylor, (pages 204 – 212)
In Humane Justice What role do kindness, hope and compassion play in the criminal justice system? (February 2021) 

Management and supervision of men convicted of sexual offences
HM Inspectorate of Probation (January 2019)

Prosecuting Sexual Offences
HH Peter Rook QC (June 2019), A Report by JUSTICE.

Sexual Offending: A Criminological Perspective.
P. Lussier and E. Beauregard (Eds.). Routledge. (2018)

(Review of ‘Sexual offending: A Criminological Perspective’, R Taylor, 2018, The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Vol 58 No 4)

Sexual Crime and Circles of Support and Accountability
Helen Elliot, Kerensa Hocken, Rebecca Lievesley, Nicholas Blagden, Belinda Winder, Phil Banyard. Palgrave Macmillan Cham (2018)

A Community-Based Approach to the Reduction of Sexual Reoffending: Circles of Support and Accountability.
Steve Hanvey, Terry Philpot, Chris Wilson. Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2011).  [see review]  

Circles South East Ten Years One Hundred Circles
Circles South East (2012). 

Contemporary sex offender treatment: incorporating the circles of support and good lives model.
Mark S. Carich, Chris Wilson, Peter A. Carich and Martin C. Calder, (chapter 10).
In What Else Works? Creative work with offenders.  Willan Publishing (2010). 

Circles of Support and Accountability for sex offenders in England and Wales: their origins and implementation between 1999 -2005.
M Nellis, (2009).
British Journal of Community Justice, Volume 7, pp23-44

Circles of Support and Accountability: the case for their use in Scotland to assist in the community reintegration and risk management of sexual offenders
S Kirkwood, T Richley, (2008). SCOLAG Journal, Issue 372, pp.236-239

Balancing risk management with support: a study of an innovative approach in working with sex offenders.
E Smith, I Haslewood-Pócsik, J Spencer, (2007). University of Manchester.

A follow-up study of sex offenders participating in Thames Valley Circles of Support and Accountability.
A Bates, R Saunders, C Wilson, C (2007). British Journal of Community Justice, Volume 5, Issue 1

Circles of Support and Accountability: engaging community volunteers in the management of high-risk sexual offenders,
R Wilson, A McWhinnie, J Picheca, M Prinzo, F Cortoni, (2007).
The Howard Journal, Volume 46, pp 1-15

The people behind Circles of Support: Helen Drewery describes the motivations of volunteers in the Circles of Support and Accountability programme.
H Drewery, (2003).
Criminal Justice Matters, Volume 52, Issue 1

Restorative Justice innovations in Canada.
R Wilson, B Huculak, A J McWhinnie, (2002). Behavioural Sciences and the Law, Volume 20, pp 363-380

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