Circles UK oversees the provision of Circles of Support and Accountability (Circles) across England and Wales. A Circle consists of trained community volunteers who both support and hold sexual harm causers accountable as they reintegrate into society after a prison sentence. Behaviour is addressed through restorative and desistance approaches, preventing further sexual abuse and
keeping communities safe. Circles UK also led with Circles Providers the development of a specialist Circles Programme for Young People, recognising that at least one third of all sexual offences against children and young people are committed by other children and young people. Sexual harm causers are amongst the most stigmatised and marginalised groups in society and those who participate in a Circle are, consequently,often isolated and shunned by family, friends, employers and accommodation providers, all factors likely to contribute to reoffending. Circles UK also works hard to challenge these perceptions and improve public understanding of their work to prevent further victims.